Monday, June 18, 2007

We Went Two for Three on the Three Capes Scenic Loop

In Tillamook we picked up the Three Capes Scenic Loop Drive. Cape Meares proved interesting, with the three arches rocks off shore, the octopus tree, and wildlife volunteers with telescopes trained on nesting Cormorants and Common Murres. Then… we lost the loop somehow, and ended up back in Tillamook. We found the end of the loop some miles down Route 101, in time to check out Cape Kiwanda. Despite desperate searching for a non-existent sign to tell us why it is billed as Oregon’s most famous promontory (and, for that matter, what a promontory exactly was), we had to settle for walking the beautiful (albeit strewn with pickups), wide, white sand beach, and climbing a huge sand dune. Oh, there was a big rock in the water.


ryan said...

That's one cool looking tree.

For some reason, that's a really famous rock. I've seen loads of photos of that very rock.

Sounds and looks like things are going well so far!

Anonymous said...

That's haystack rock-the big ole rock I mentioned in my email.